The FIND 50 £100,000 lifeline appeal was launched in January 2018.
In February 2020, FIND moved into its fantastic new home for the food bank and facilities to run and grow for years to come.
FIND 50 fundraisers
Genesis | East of England Co-op | Ipswich Building Society | East Ipswich Rotary Club | Ipswich Round Table | Ipswich School | Kingsfleet Wealth | PLC Business | University of Suffolk | Adsar | Ellisons | Attwells | Colchester Road Baptist Church Ipswich | Bethesda Baptist Chruch | New Zealand In Depth | Hadleigh Baptist Chruch
FIND 50 companies giving free consultancy or other services
Barnes Construction | Castons - Quantity Surveyors | Hoopers Architects | MLM | Johns Slater and Haward | Kadec | Barker Gotelee | Survey Solutions | BBC Radio Suffolk | Archant | East Anglian Daily Times | Town 102 | Signs For You | Sainsbury's | Waitrose